So i was googling Lact-aid system and another website came up for breastfeeding nutrition or something like that. Anyways, they had some special breastfeeding blend of herbs in a condensed pill form so instead of taking a bizillion pills of fenugreek and blessed thistle weed, it was 6 pills a day of this "special" blend of the two. Has anyone used any product like this or anything other than straight fenugreek and blessed thistle? I think the website was Iam just thinking that if its the same thing just condensed, then it should'nt make a difference if i take that pill or the two seperately. I bet its probably more expensive tho... Thanks, Rach
Does the combo pill say what milligrams it provides of each herb? The asklenore site suggests you take these mgs per day:
Fenugreek seed
3 capsules (580-610 mg each) 3 times a day with food
Blessed Thistle herb
3 capsules (325-390 mg each) 3 times a day with food
I would assume that it's fine to take the combo if the overall milligrams are provided. Some people don't even take the capsules - they'll steep a tea or use the loose herbs in some way. I think the point would be to get them into your system, a few times a day.
I don't know about this particular combination. I assume if the capsules contained the ground herb, the only way you would be able to take fewer pills would be if they were bigger pills. I am not sure, though, if the prepared capsules contain only ground herb or if they ever have some kind of filler in them, too. I wonder if it would be possible for capsules containing a tincture of the herb to be more potent without taking up as much space.
I have a hard time taking capsules, and took my herbs in tea form. After experimenting, I started making a quart of strong tea every morning. I added four rounded teaspoons of fenugreek seeds and one of fennel, to a quart of water brought to a boil and taken off the heat. I always set the timer so I didn't get side tracked and let it steep too long. If it went longer than five minutes, it would get bitter and I'd have a hard time choking it down. I added some honey, usually drank one cup, warm, with milk, filled the quart jar up the rest of the way with water, and then drank the rest on ice, over the course of the day. That is actually a good tasting combination. Blessed thistle was really hard to take as tea because it was extremely bitter and nasty tasting. A side effect of fenugreek is that it makes you smell like pancake syrup, which fenugreek is part of the flavoring for. My Joseph loved the smell! When he start walking, be started looking through the laundry for a nursing bra or something that had that scent on it and carry around as a security blanket. It was embarassing on occasion, but usually just cute! His favorite foods have always been pancakes, waffles and french toast, and I think there is a connection!
Fenugreek is also much, much cheaper if you get the seeds in bulk. I really like the San Fransisco Herb Company, for ordering herbs and spices. The herbs are always fresh and high quality.
I don't know about this particular combination. I assume if the capsules contained the ground herb, the only way you would be able to take fewer pills would be if they were bigger pills. I am not sure, though, if the prepared capsules contain only ground herb or if they ever have some kind of filler in them, too. I wonder if it would be possible for capsules containing a tincture of the herb to be more potent without taking up as much space.
I have a hard time taking capsules, and took my herbs in tea form. After experimenting, I started making a quart of strong tea every morning. I added four rounded teaspoons of fenugreek seeds and one of fennel, to a quart of water brought to a boil and taken off the heat. I always set the timer so I didn't get side tracked and let it steep too long. If it went longer than five minutes, it would get bitter and I'd have a hard time choking it down. I added some honey, usually drank one cup, warm, with milk, filled the quart jar up the rest of the way with water, and then drank the rest on ice, over the course of the day. That is actually a good tasting combination. Blessed thistle was really hard to take as tea because it was extremely bitter and nasty tasting. A side effect of fenugreek is that it makes you smell like pancake syrup, which fenugreek is part of the flavoring for. My Joseph loved the smell! When he start walking, be started looking through the laundry for a nursing bra or something that had that scent on it and carry around as a security blanket. It was embarassing on occasion, but usually just cute! His favorite foods have always been pancakes, waffles and french toast, and I think there is a connection!
Fenugreek is also much, much cheaper if you get the seeds in bulk. I really like the San Fransisco Herb Company, for ordering herbs and spices. The herbs are always fresh and high quality.
I tried the tea, a friend sent some to me that she didnt end up using and it was OK i guess. The amount that was in the tea just didnt seem like enough unless you drank like a gallon of tea a day. I think the stuff i had only has like 35 grams of fenugreek and blessed thistle in it. Which isnt near what they recommend. I just ordered a bunch of capsules on line and got a realy good deal, and i think i shouldve waited cuz i started taking the herbs today and i was having a hard time choking them down. I was going to get the liquid form of fenugreek,(which was way more expensive than the pills) but much easier to take im assuming. I guess they will do for now. I was going to order More milk special blend too from Motherlove. it sounds like it would be a very good supplement, im just afraid to stray too much from the suggested protocols since i dont have time on my side at all. I need to be producing something like yesterday!! Can you actually like "overdose" on the fenugreek and blessed thistle? It seems like 9 pills of each a day on top of the 120mg of Dom is alot of meds and herbs to be taking. But i guess if that is what's recommended, i will do it.
I did end up ordering my lact aid in the morning. i got the 2 systems and then the 4 extra sets of trainers. Plus some bags. It wasnt a cheap bill!! But its worth it if it works. I think im going to make an appt with our local lactation consultant as soon as baby is home so we can get a good start. Ive been watching videos online with women using the lact-aid and they make it look so simple. And the baby just lays there and lets the doc stick a tub into their mouth as they are sucking??? What do they do to get the baby to just lay there and automatically start sucking on this tube??? I guess ill have to get mine and check it out. Emom is due today and nothing yet!! thanks so much, Rach