We are not new to the advice of people telling us that many adoptions occur through word of mouth with family and friends; however, meeting with our attorney today brought a new avenue which I can't seem to wrap my mind around. We were encouraged to "market" ourselves through the newspaper and through business cards left with everyone that we encounter.
I certainly understand how this can work; however, I have to admit that I am worried about having people who are not even looking for an adoptive mother contacting us and putting so much of us out there for everyone to see. Coming out of an infertility situation where we were so private - and now being asked to make everything so public is difficult for me to feel comfortable with.
Are these normal emotions? Have other people posted within newspapers or business cards - did this work? Did you get inappropriate calls and how did you weed these out?
I would appreciate any advice that people could have. Thank you!
Yes it works! We did this for both of our adoptions. The process was fast for both of them (less than 4 months from the time we started to bringing them home from the hospital). We did not get any "weird" calls- we had an 800 number attached to our 2nd phone line- that's the phone number we used in newspaper ads (which is how my sons birthmother found us).
I think your feelings are normal- this is something outside of your comfort zone. I was always nervous answering the phone! I liked this route because I wanted control or at least a sense of control over the adoption process. I called the newspapers and placed ads, I didn't want to depend on someone else to do it. Let me know if you have any other questions. You will get a lot of differing opinions about this - but go with what is right for YOUR family. Best wishes- email me if you'd like!!