Anyone know if florida is a state where if one child is taken into care all the children are taken or is each child an individual case?
I live in IL. used to be a fc caseworker. currently licensed for fc (no placements). In IL if one child is taken the others are as well (except for chicago, cook county). I know some states will only take the endangered child (often leaving some in parents care while others are taken)
My bil gf gave birth in florida a week ago. baby is going through withdrawls dcfs was notified and are he investigating. there is a hold on the baby at the hospital he can not be released to mom and dad at this time. baby was premature and is on morphine for withdrawls so hes not ready to be released. they are still investigating. If they take him we have offered to come get him. My bil also has a 13 year that he has full custody of. I'm curious if they will take her too. We would go get her too if need be. we love her to death.
bil thinks thing look good. from what he says it doesn't look good for them. insight?
I am not sure about children already in the home, but I know they don't automatically take future children. I told our AW that if my soon-to-be adopted daughter's 1st mom had another child taken we would be interested and she said it is not an automatic removal even though she has already lost 3 children.
I have heard of cases where the children are older, like your niece, and are left in the home.
I think it's due to the fact that the child can pretty much take care of their own daily needs. They would probably visit the house and make sure there is adequate food, shelter and clothing.
It also depends on why the children are taken, and at least in my state, drugs are not necessarily a cause for removal these days.
We just had that happen in our family. The baby was born with drug in his system and they took both kids from the mother. The oldest is 11yr and the baby are removed. Mother has to go through rehab and other steps to get kids back. They are doing a home study to see if we can take both kids. I live in Florida so I don't know if it was the same in your situation.