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Thread: Meth babies.
My Chubs is meth exposed and born at 8lbs something. He tremors when he is really mad. He has increased tone and was holding his head up at 10 days old. He goes from really stiff neck muscles to flopping around. He's hard to control and support his head because you never know what direction it's going. He used to have frog legs but they are getting better. He is very difficult to dress and change his diapers. His arms are VERY stiff and to his chest and hard to move. He has chronic diarrhea which has led to his current 10 days hospital stay due to a UTI. He also has a terrible ongoing diaper rash. At 6 weeks old he eats 3 oz every 3 hours all the time. He has terrible reflux, low tone of the throat which causes choking and swallowing issues. We've added 1 tsp of rice cereal per two ounces of his cereal to help his reflux. He spits up ALOT, has to be burped every ounce, and it's very loud and a man's :-). He loves his swing and vibrating bassinet. He enjoys music and lights. I always hear story of drug exposed babies being very colicky...he is not. He's normal very easy to soothe by swaddling and wearing him on me.