The Judge told us we need to get a motion and order for her to sign ordering the home study done. Has anyone heard of this before and WHERE do I get this document??? This is the final thing we need before we can go before her and get this finalized!
I am also stuck on this process. But after talking to a few people who have gone through it, just get your county's list of approved social workers and call around. One of them should be able to provide you a version of what they usually get from the court. You can then use that to fill in your own information and take to the court to have the judge sign. Once the judge signs, you file with the clerk and they will send directly to the social worker. :-) The social worker will contact you from there. ***That is how it has been explained to me, but I am also still stuck on this part of the process because in Denton County the cheapest home study I can find is $500 and with it having just been christmas, we needed to wait until after christmas to afford to pay for it. ***