I am a single female and fostered a couple sibling groups. Have also been to several red files but have always been chosen as the alternate family. The first chosen are always a two parent family. Not to dismiss the strength and things that a two parent family can give but single families can also give the child/ren what they need.
How many of you have been able to adopt their foster children. How long did it take? How many did you foster before you could adopt? How old were the children. Heard someone tell me that the younger the child the easier and faster it is to adopt? Not sure if it is 100% true but I am not having any luck? What agency are you with? :grr:
I did but I was a foster/adopt home. My first adopted son was slated for RU (according to DSS). Bio mom wasn't capable of taking care of him and 4 sibs, one of whom was in an RTC for arson. 2nd adoptive placement came having already been TPR'd. I'm single and work outside the home.