Anyone else's stipend check late? Mine is two days...just wondering....-Kate
I really think I needed a little push to do it and I called today...I was thinking about it when we took Baby M back last week. The babies are only 3 and 4 months old and we're going through lots of formula. I feel guilty taking the help, but we could really use it as it's right after Christmas and it's historically a very tight time of year for us. When isn't it??? LOL! Baby M is already in the system so I just have to pick up checks for her and I'm bringing Baby J on Monday morning. It worked out perfectly because my husband is off for ML King Day. So, thanks for the push Random Reality! What's involved in the Wic visits? How often do I have to bring the babies in? -kate
1) Got my check today. Yea!2) WIC can be a pain in the butt but is worth it for the free formula. I believe I had to go to the WIC office (in my county's health department) 4 times a year. Two of those times I had to bring my son to be weighed. The worst was waiting in the office. It seemed to take a while.