Hi there!
We are doing foster to adopt. We are pre-approved and PA licensed. Our agency pushes PA and told us that we shoud wait 1 yr and that we could always buy our HS at anypoint. The question is this---Adopt America Network told me that they hardly ever work with PA SWAN bc they don't facilite out of state. I am waiting on an answer from our SW. I think they are skirting around the issue.
I'm curious if anyone else in PA have this experience. We just inquired about a boy in FL through AdoptUSKids. They emailed me some more details on the child. We decided we wouldn't proceed further but our CW did give us a fee schedule they use to request and send info to different states. If we want to pursue a potential match then we'd purchase our homestudy. In the end we decided we want work in PA for the present. We weren't discouraged from working with a different state. Are you getting calls or emails of PA kids? I forgot are you what ages are you looking for? I hope some others chime in. I'm curious.
We're recently licensed in NEPA. We're working with a private agency (I can PM you the name if you want) as opposed to a county agency. We've made a few inquiries on the PA photolistings. One turned out to have more severe issues than we (or our agency) would handle. One we will be getting information on in the near future and the last one's worker did not return our agency's calls.
We haven't discussed going out of state with our agency at this point. We have just started inquiring on the PA photolisting (based on workload, I assume, they ask we only inquire on 3 at a time), we have been getting calls for potential referrals, and we actually have an emergency placement of 3 girls right now.
Edited: Our homestudy is for 0-11, gender & race unimportant, mild to moderate issues, sibling groups acceptable
Hi Moldova,
We got one call for a baby girl 1.5 yrs old-too young, a 15 yr old pregnant girl. we did get an inquiry from a county that I received our flyer (we sent it out) for a 10 yr old girl. She had a dx of RAD (not so much the issue) but she had some severe destructive behavior that I did not think was a match for us.
Our match is one girl caucasian or hispanic 5-10 yrs old with up to moderate behavioral/emotional. We did up our age to 15 yrs but really the preference is for a younger child.
Do you mind sharing the fee schedule offline? My agency is really discouraging out of state even if we pay for the HS. It is somewhat understandable but our goal is to adopt. We are going to give them 3 months and then do concurrent planning & buy the HS. We will have fees to pay as well. Our agency said they have only done one out of state adoption.
I am in need of a new agency in PA too. I need one that will work with out of state foster care, specifically TX. If anyone knows of an agency that will do this for me, I'd love to know. I contacted AAN and they gave me two names but have only hit walls so far. Why does PA have such a huge problem with parents going out of state?!?!? They are driving me nuts!
Hi there Moldova,
We have not been sent any referrals. The only inquiries that have happened are from 2 photolistings that we inquired on, 1 county that received our flyer, and then on an emergency placement. I have come to the conclusion that our matching specialist does not have any referrals and we are only going to receive profiles if we inquire on the photolisting. We turned down 2 profiles and did not go any further bc we were not the right family.