......I am getting to know some people on both sides
of my biological family! There are some things that
dont make sense! I dont know where to begin to start
trying to figure this out! Someone is lying, about what im not sure yet. But i know something doesn't add up and i intend to find out what it is?
Are you sure anyong is "lying"? By that I mean that human memory is subjective. Most people do not remember events in a way that might reflect poorly on them. Its not that they lie, as its the way memories are formed.
Linus - you need to say more than that...
Ladyjubilee - a lie is a lie no matter how you remember it...
Kind regards,
I went to read one of your other posts, no wonder you are feeling so confused. Please tell us more though.
Sometimes i wonder if they are lying or you might be right ladyjubilee maybe its the "selective memory" coming in to play! I text my Bio Uncle J (moms bro) this morning and asked him about the day children services came to take me from him ( i was in my uncles custody)
and he said " childrens services didn't want to play fair they said your mother was too young to make any decisions and he didn't have permanent custody", I asked him if he knows who called them but he hasn't responded yet. He's at work ill give him time..... But i know something does seem right. Monday I talked to my Uncle A (bio dads bro) and he wasnt there when i was born but he told me that his father (my grandfather) set up a place for my mother to live and keep me and take care of me regardless to if my dad wanted it or not and then i was gone. I didn't ask my mom about that because im my eyes her reaction wouldn't matter. It didn't happen so lets not dwell on it. Honestly i wouldnt have done it either, at 17 would you really want to move to another state to be with a family you dont really know to take care of a child with a man who is leaving for the military intentionally to avoid being a father..... I dont think so! Im paranoid and thats not safe. Im glad she gave me up no matter the circumstances however i would atleast like to know what the circumstances were.... This is tearing my up and i cant tell anyone because my adopted mom wasn't okay with this to begin with and i feel like everyone else thinks i asked for this. This is what happens when you go looking.... you find! This is not what i planned to find. I planned to find peace of mind not the last episode of Jerry springer meets Maury Povich! I feel like this is a dream and i will wake up and everyone will be atleast pleasant to eachother. Everyone hates everyone LITTERALLY. It sucks balls and i was not prepared at 28 years old to deal with 28 years worth of hatred and family hostility. But i have to persure this i cant leave it where it is. I opened a rancid can of tuna and now i have to pull it together and make tuna noodle casserolle and eat it! You cant close the can back up and if your throw it away you will still smell it for days......... :hissy:
Only your mother will be able to set the record straight and sadly she may choose to not tell the truth even though understanding and acceptance can happen.
You can be assured your maternal uncle wanted you.
You can be assured your paternal grandfather wanted you.
That knowledge may lessen the bad feelings? Combined with understanding how it would feel to your mother to know the father was willing to join the service to not be a father and be expected to move to his family...
Sounds like some really cared alot.
Could you maternal uncle get your mother to go see a counselor?
Kind regards,