I've had so much fun the past month or two with S's hair. And I need some new ideas. So I thought I'd start this thread.[ATTACH]85705[/ATTACH][ATTACH]85706[/ATTACH][ATTACH]85707[/ATTACH]
S still will not keep beads in. She prefers to eat them or stick them in her ears, crazy girl. So we are just using barrettes for now. I hope she will get to the point of beads soon though.
So anyone else have cute hairdo's to share?
So cute! i like the long twists with barrettes. I've been trying them in Nicole's hair, but hers isn't as long.
She is so adorable! This so makes me want another girl! My 11 year old won't let me do cute things to her hair, plus there aren't as many cute styles for cc hair.
What method do you use to keep her beads in? My daughter can't pull hers out, try as she may!
It's the end of the month now, but here is what my 3-year old requested for Valentine's day!
[url=]Curly is Cuter - the place for beads 'n' more for your girl with curls![/url]
I really didn't have a good method to keep the beads in. The first time I just tied them off with a black plastic tie. She of course figured that out after a couple days. I did my friends little girls hair and I was able to figure out how to use the bead at the end to finish them, but she's 6 so she sat still a lot longer than S does. I just got some bigger beads this weekend, so I'm hoping to try them on her this week and end them a bit better this time around. :)
Ocean--I love the matching hairdos!! So cute! I'm secretly hoping for another girl so I can do the matching hairdos, although I keep telling DH I'm hoping for a boy. ;)
I hope it's big enough to see but we tried beads this weekend! I went a little crazy with hair accessories this weekend. So this week they are Mardi Gras colors, I sent the pic to Momma A and she seemed to love it!
I'm so impressed that you all can get your girls to sit still long enough to do their hair. My son's hair is kept at 1mm because he fights like a mule when getting it washed, combed or brushed.
She's beautiful. :) Her hair is too, of course! I love looking at the styles, even though I'm not going to get to try any of them out!
Gwen - We keep D's hair really short, too and I just can't imagine how, short of duct tap and bungee cords, I would keep him still long enough to do anything elaborate to his hair! He used to be so good for the barber, too. But yesterday, as soon as Mr. I turned off the clippers to switch blades, D would hop out of the chair. "Okay! All done now!" Umm, sit back down little man. I'm not taking that half-shaved head anywhere!