Are those of you using Turbo Tax having trouble with the carryover? In past years this was automatically pulled from prior years forms (via Turbo Tax). This year I have to go FIND IT? There is 'carryover to' and 'carryover from' and the numbers are different. WHY isn't this automatic this year? And where do I find the number to enter into the new forms from prior years forms (as instructed by Turbo Tax... "You can find this information in prior years forms"). Anybody else count on Turbo Tax to be 'automatic'? GRRRrrrrr.....
Did you download the updates? It's pretty clear...and doesn't appear at all to be a glitch. It has 2005-2009 on a page asking for "Adoption Credit Carryovers". I just don't know what that is from prior years forms... and it isn't picking it up like it typically does.
We get our taxes done and because of the change we couldn't e-file. We actually had to snail mail ours in :mad: So we'll see how long it takes to get ours back!
Did you download the updates? It's pretty clear...and doesn't appear at all to be a glitch. It has 2005-2009 on a page asking for "Adoption Credit Carryovers". I just don't know what that is from prior years forms... and it isn't picking it up like it typically does.
Is it possible you have used up your carryover time? I am not sure when you started taking it but it appears maybe 2005 from your post? And it only carries over for 5 years I thought?
Again, don't take my word for anything but that was the first thing that came to mind when I saw your latest post.
I'm not sure about any updates, but it is showing everything we entered last year without any problems. I should say that I don't remember having to enter that information manually, but because it is showing that information for last year, it is possible that I entered it manually and just don't remember...I'm not sure if there is any way to check that.
Okay I am really confused - I sounds like people are filing taxes with adoption credit already. How can you even be filing for it now when the IRS says the the 8839 is not ready for 2010??
This site said that you can't file until after Feb 17
[url=]2010 Federal Forms for Personal Tax Returns - TurboTax Software Support[/url]
It use to say Feb 10 on this site, but they pushed it back more - I am really tired of waiting and just want to get our done to get our refund!!!
TurboTax is saying that you have to wait until the 17th of February, but is stating that you can print and mail it now.
Is it possible you have used up your carryover time? I am not sure when you started taking it but it appears maybe 2005 from your post? And it only carries over for 5 years I thought?
The carryover time is the filing year plus 5. Those who took the original credit in tax year 2005, have tax years 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010 to finish things up.
It's imperative that one takes the credit the tax year year that it first applies, b/c if not, then one can't take the credit in subsequent years.
The carryover time is the filing year plus 5. Those who took the original credit in tax year 2005, have tax years 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010 to finish things up.
It's imperative that one takes the credit the tax year year that it first applies, b/c if not, then one can't take the credit in subsequent years.
Thanks for the correction! :)
What's so frustrating is that the IRS phone agents have NO IDEA what's going on with the tax credit. I had one to argue me down last night that the credit is NOT refundable. After being transferred 3 times, I finally got someone who knew what was going on and explained that the credit is in fact refundable this year. I was told that copies of the adoption decrees and subsidy agreements with proof of "special needs" would be required as part of the attachments to the return. I have no idea where to get copies of this stuff!
Yes I also read that we will need to send in some proof - so you can not do it online. I believe that the IRS post said that you will have to send in your adoption decree from Guatemala (which I believe is your PGN papers) and the adoption decree from your state (from when you readopted in state) - there are different requirements for Hague verses non Hague cases - I believe Guatemala would be non-Hague.
Boy, it is going to be fun to see how many problems we have with this since workers don't seem to understand it. I have already had to redo taxes 2 years because the first IRS reviewer thought that we could not take the adoption credit and the additional child tax credit, but YOU CAN! I had to drive to an IRS office to straighten that out! Fun, fun, fun - I just want the 8839 forms to come out so that I can file!
I found our carry over credit on our copy of our taxes - Federal Carry Over Worksheet - page 2.
Hope that helps.
The paperwork will not be online until the 18th our tax guy told us. We had ours done so he is just waiting to file it.
Anyone think they'll extend the tax credit again 'til 2013 or think this is going to be "it" for adoption tax credits?
It is very frustrating. I've also spoken to the IRS on the phone as well as a representative at my local IRS office in person. Neither one had any idea what I was talking about. The face to face woman did try to help the best she could but still wasn't much help in the end.
I just visited the IRS website and the form is available as of today. Now it's a matter of figuring out which paperwork to send in. I had read somewhere that an IR3 visa is acceptable. Does anyone know the answer to this?