Hi all, I am new to adoption. Recently had my last failed IVF and am starting on my journey through adoption. As anxious as I am to get started I don't want to make any rushed decisions. I am not sure if I want an agency or an attorney for my domestic adoption. I was wondering if anyone can give me the pros and cons? Also if you can pm me if you have any info on a local agency or have used Adam Sklar, ESQ. I would really appreciate any info at all, it has been a long 7 years with infertility treatments and we want to start right away. Thanks, Kat
Can't give you any advice on the attorney you asked about, but wanted to say Hi and invite you to come over to the general adoption forums. There are a lot more people over there and they may be able to help. I will pm you with the agency I worked with, it's local in NY.