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I have an attention seeking 7yo FD, who as lived with us for 13 months. She as gotten better over the year.
One thing that I found out with FD is that she did not know how to find something to do on here own. I had to find her a toy to play with.
Also I have played with her 1-on-1 for a set amount of time (ie 10 minutes) and then required her to play with by herself for the same amount of time. If she interrupts me during that time for anything other than an emergency then the timer starts over (or at least stops). I give her lots of praise when she makes it to the end of the timer with out interrupting. Over time we increased the timer. Her counselor also suggested time outs for interrupting.
Before starting I always help find something to do. She can now go longer periods of time.
I visit days I just expect more behaviors. I know that they are stressed and need me more.