We have finally chosen an agency, sent in the application and are meeting our social worker to start the home study process on Wednesday. She said to bring nothing but our questions. Any ideas what I should ask? I am overwhelmed and feel completely unprepared for this meeting.
just be completely honest, tell her that you are nervous and scared and don't know completely where to start...she will tell you step by step how the entire process goes, and you'll find you have a lot of questions that arise during her talking to you...
my main questions were time frame, costs, questions regarding meeting e-moms, and we wanted to know about the last 3 adoptions that took place through their agency (kind of like asking a contractor for his last 3 jobs)...just relax- she's been through this a LOT and knows just what people want to know, even when they don't! good luck!!!
Thanks! We have been thru an orientation, so we have some info. I feel like it took us so long to get to this point, I just want to move quickly now, and don't really have any questions...but I know I will wish I had asked later and I feel like she expects lots of questions. The last 3 adoptions one is good and will make me feel like I have a place to start.