Adoptive Families of Houston is hosting a panel of adult adoptees who will share their stories with adoptive parents/grandparents and prospective adopters. Panelists will discuss and answer questions about:
their childhood,
Օ how their parents talked to them about adoption,
birth family and adoptive family relationships,
Օ openness in adoption,
building a positive self-image and more.
The panel will consist of three adult adoptees born and adopted in the United States.
When: May 19, 2011; 6:30-8:45 p.m.
Where: St. MartinՒs Episcopal Church, Payne Education Center, Room 210 / 212, 717 Sage Road, Houston, TX 77056
Pre-Registration Required: RSVP to
Program Fee: The program is free for members of Adoptive Families of Houston. Non-members will be charged $5 per person at the door.
We regret that childcare will not be available.
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