I am searching for birth half-siblings born in Iowa and Washington State. We would share a birth father. Possibly a boy born in 1954/1955 in Iowa, and a girl around 1960, and two girls born in 1964-1965 in the Yakima, WA area, possibly adopted through Catholic services. No actual dates or birth mother names - all different birth mothers.
Yes, the girl born in 1960 was born in Iowa. Biofather's first name is Merlin/Merle, sometimes misspelled as "Merrill". I have heard that she may have been adopted by her stepfather around age 7, and that her biomom went by the nickname "Birdie". Biodad paid child support on her at least until age 7, and went to jail for nonpayment at one point. But of course, this is all probably about as accurate as 44yo third-hand info would be....