I posted this in children with disabilities but I think this is the area I'm most interested in although I'm open to learning anything I can.
Hi Everyone,
I am a new Foster Mom through the States foster program. I have made it known to them that I would be interested in a Special Needs Child. I'm wondering what other steps I can take, who to contact, classes, basically where to start so that I can make it known to the right people that I am interested in this. I would definitely be open/prefer adoption but would be ok with fostering as well.
I had a baby that was diagnosed with Spina Bifida through ultrasound and 20 weeks gestation but we later learned she also had Trisomy 18 which a chromosonal disorder. Sadly we lost her when she was 9 days old. I had researched SB as well as all the complications she could have from the Trisomy 18 and was really feeling like I could do it and give my child a happy life for as long as we could have her. I didn't get to do that for very long, although are time with her was amazing in so many ways. I feel like I still want to give to a child with Special Needs but I'm not sure where to start.
Along with my Husband I have a bio son 11 and bio daughter 8 and who are on board with the idea. We currently have a placement of two little girls that are 19mo. and 6mo. with a goal of RU. That looks like it will happen, we just don't know when. In the mean time I want to start looking into, what I would need to do in order to be set up for Special Needs children. Any ideas, direction would be helpful.
I am on my Phone so I can't give you links, but since you already have a homestudy and stuff you can look on photo listings and find special needs kids in other counties and other states. Just do a search for photolisting, children, adoption. Good luck!
Most young children on adoptuskids are medically special needs... that would be a good place to start looking :) We found our son's profile right here on He was also medically special needs.... now he's needs are quite different!
There is also a private agency in New York that is known for placing medical special needs babies. PM me if you don't have the the two last name names
Nevada Jen
There is also a private agency in New York that is known for placing medical special needs babies. PM me if you don't have the the two last name names
Hi Nevada Jen, I tried to PM you for the agency name but it appears your box is full. Could you please send me the name of that agency you mentioned back in May to the PP?
Thanks so much,