I thought about my Birth Mom today,
But that is nothing new.
I thought about her yesterday and will tomorrow too.
I think about my real Mom who loved me from the start. Who took me in and raised me the best she could with all her heart.
My real Mom thinks about me and thanks God for me each day.
My Birth Mom tries to forget the pain of giving me away.
What it means to be my mother is something she will never know. It was my real Mom that took me in and gave me love so I could grow.:wings:
For My Mom and best friend.
I see this beautiful poem and I know when I came here distraught littlewanderer came and got me in touch with a PI who found my mom. So did Caths reach out to me and now she is banned. LW got banned for her anti-closed adoption views and back and forth exchange with CRICK.
See how long this post remains up. This site is not adoptee friendly. It is opressive to Birth mothers and adopted people. I see this poem everywhere @ mothers day and it written by someone' s adopted child who was deleted.
Little wanderer is God's angel sent to me.
Someday all of your children will grow up and express their views and be banned.
What would Jesus do? Jesus would let us tell our story. We want to heal and save other from our pain.
God bless you Little wanderer where ever you are. I'm pretty sure I'll be deleted too. I hope you see this.