I wanted to adopt and had gone to GPS classes on a couple of occasions and got turned away by the attitude of the "workers" conducting the classes. I did a google search and ended up at an agency that works through DHR. I still am not clear on the possibility of adopting very young children (african american) through DHR. No one seems to want to disclose the possbility of this happening. I understand that you can adopt the children on the heartgallery but very rarely are they under 4. Has anyone adopted from DHR in Alabama? If so, could you share your experience? Thanks.
We are currently going through DHR. (We attended orientation about three weeks ago. GPS does not start until September). We are in the same situation, we are in hopes of adopting a little one--four or younger. Based on the conversations so far the chances do appear to be slim to none.
However, I spoke with an acquaintance who use DHR and she stated that within three weeks she received a call for a little girl; she ended up adopting two because the little girl had a sister and she did not want to separate the family. I will check to see if you respond to me. If so, I will keep you informed about our progress.
Where do you live? South, Middle, or North Alabama? I ask because I read a post--granted it is about a year old--where someone stated that DHR did not provide training where they live. I share that because maybe each area is different. Maybe Mobile is different from Montgomery which is different from Birmingham. Who knows?:grr:
I completed the classes, but didn't do the homestudy. They basically told me I couldn't adopt a younger child unless I fostered first yet they discourage fostering if you intend to adopt. I was confused by the whole process. All the people say you need to foster to adopt but they discourage fostering just to adopt.
We are currently on our last GPS class in north alabama. They do try to encourage you to foster to adopt because you are more likey to receive a child very quick. We have not received a child yet but possibly after this last class we will receive one within a week or so. You can go into the classes and tell the social worker that you are only wanted to foster a child that is most likely going to end in adoption. They know thats what we are wanting so they know to be very careful when placing us with a child. I think it can take over a year to adopt them so it may be hard to become close to the child until the adoption but I plan to go in it with my whole heart and go ahead and treat the child like they are mine....hopefully I wont be disappointed and heart broken. Good Luck to you, and make sure you talk with the judge in your county that decides where the children go....he can answer all your legal questions.
Kind of in same boat. Want to adopt, not foster. Kind of been told that younger kids go to foster parents, not adoptive ones. :(
Our worker said that 99% of younger foster kids that are adopted in Alabama are adopted by the foster parents and that you absolutely have to foster to adopt if you want a child under the age of 8.
That said, to echo Waiting Arms, you can tell them that you are interested in finding a placement that will probably go to adoption.
I completed the classes, but didn't do the homestudy. They basically told me I couldn't adopt a younger child unless I fostered first yet they discourage fostering if you intend to adopt. I was confused by the whole process. All the people say you need to foster to adopt but they discourage fostering just to adopt.
I agree with b12. I did not want to foster either, but we found the "ideal" situation. Brief story--child not ready for adoption because parent rights not terminated yet. However, so far parents have been absent, so we(family and DHR) all expect that we will adopt.
I think DHR can be overly cautious because nothing is final until the judge signs the paper. There is always the possibility the judge might do something unexpected; DHR does not want you to sue them or come back later and say you promised me I would get this child.