I am 33 years old. I was born in San Francisco CA. My birth mothers intls. M.D.H. My Birth intls. L.S.H. I was taken from my birth mom at 4 months old and put into foster care with my 3 other birth siblings. I want to find my mom so bad! I just want to see the beautiful woman that gave me life. I don't know what she looks like. I just know she had me when she was 24 years old. If anyone can help me, please. I have an emptiness that only she can fill. I am not looking for my birth father only my birth mother. If there is anyone in this world that can help me please. I have so much to tell her and so many questions. I am not mad at her at all. I dont have any money for the search programs. If you are able to help me on advise on wear to start. Or just say a small prayer for me and my mom to reunite thats is great! Or if you are my mom? Please message me back! Thank you for your time and God bless. :(