Adoptive Families of Houston invites you to an educational event on the topic of the Realities of Adoption.Ӕ
Our speaker, Janie Cravens, will explore the myths and stereotypes that have pervaded adoption and discuss the implications of those mistaken notions. Janie Cravens is an LCSW with more than 30 years of experience in adoption, infertility, orphan care, attachment and birth parent concerns.
Janies lively, interactive program will start with an exploration of the prevalent myths and realities that persist in American culture, and therefore have been embedded in the minds of most adoptive parents. There may not be a lot we can do about American cultural ideas, but there is hope for adoption built families to find the truth and operate from a new perspective.
In the second half of the program Janie will focus on how to deal with the constant questions and statements coming our way. Ever wish you could come up with something catchy to say to:
ҕ How much did your adoption cost?
Your child is so lucky to be adopted by you.
Օ When are you going to have one of your own?
Is he/she your child? (Sometimes disguised as Փare you a foster parent? or ԓDoes she favor your husband? or maybe ԓAre you the nanny?
ԕ What do you know about your childs ғreal parents?
Janie Cravens LCSW is a pioneer of open adoption who resides in Austin, where she owns a consulting company, Adoption Development Resources. Her company offers pre and post-placement counseling and consultation for adoptive parents, counseling and referral for birthparents, adoption workshops on all topics for domestic and international adoptions, home studies, expert testimony for legal cases, consultation to agencies regarding policies and cases.
JanieԒs presentation will be interactive, fun and informal with ample time for Q&A throughout the evening. We hope you can join us, and we encourage you to invite extended family members since this is a great opportunity for adoption education.
DATE/TIME: Friday, September 16, 2011
Registration and social hour begins at 6:30 p.m.
Program will start promptly at 7:00 p.m. and conclude at 8:45 p.m.
LOCATION: St. Martins Episcopal Church
Payne Education Center, Room 210 / 212
717 Sage Road, Houston, TX 77056
***Parking is encouraged in the South parking lot behind the church off of Sage Road
PROGRAM FEE: The program is free for members of Adoptive Families of Houston. Non-members will be charged $5 per person at the door.
RSVP: Anne Peebles at, 281-537-8287 or online at [url=]Adoptive Families of Houston[/url]
Light refreshments will be served.
We regret that childcare will not be available.