My hubby and I are in the process of updating our adoption file (hubby deployed for a year so our file was put on hold until he got back), and I am so excited to start the official search for our kids. :)
I was wondering, for those who have done straight adoptions through foster care (not foster/adopt), what was it like when you first met your children? Did you know right away that this was your child or did it take time? I would love to hear everyone's experiences. I want to make sure that I don't have unrealistic expectations, you know? :)
That day we saw them and couldn't get over how beautiful they were. Kid in a magazine beautiful. We were shocked to discover that "speech problems" meant our 4 1/2 year old son could not speak. We spent the whole year before the adoption was finalized wondering if we were making the right decision, especially on days when they were not acting very lovable. The two year anniversary of their adoption is coming up in a few days now. I just keep finding excuses to hug them and hold them and tell them that I'm so glad they're mine. They are not the same kids we met three years ago. They've grown, lost lots of bad habits and behaviors, still have good and bad days, and my son is still hard to understand, but he can speak and is now a beginning reader. I wouldn't change a thing. We are so blessed.
And we just found out today that in a few weeks we will get to meet our next three children for the first time. We're excited to be adopting again and can't wait to see what the future holds as a family of eleven!