Have you contacted the orphanage for anything left with you? Or any queries made about you? [url=]IHM:An Overview of IHM Congregation History[/url] Have you ordered the book that follows the timeline of when you were there to see if there is anything of value in your search? [url=]Sr. Michel Keenan Book[/url] Does the state have any records? Adoption Medical History Registry, Pennsylvania Department of Health, Division of Vital Records Contact:Debbie MondilloDiakon/FDRP.O. Box 4560471 JPL Wick DriveHarrisburg, PA 17111717-231-6426 Have you posted your search on the registry on this site and searched it? [url=]Search Results, Adoption Records, Search. Birth Mother, Father, Son, Daughter[/url] Kind regards,Dickons