My son, Daniel is 3 years old turning 4 this July 18th. We love him with all our hearts and he means the world to us. My wife and I had him since he was 3 weeks old.
We want to let him know early that he is adopted and that despite of this, he is our own flesh and blood and he is no different from other kids.
How do we do this?
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I am going to assume you did a domestic infant closed adoption. When you did the adoption did you make arrangements with the agency and/or if private the mother and father to receive and provide updated family health history?
I know you mean well with your flesh and blood comment but the reality is that he isn't and never will be. Pretending does not make it so and may actually backfire on you down the road if you have expectations of who he will become OR he feels he is less than because he isn't your flesh and blood. Just think about that is all I ask.
As to how to tell him - start talking about when you first met him, what his story of joining the family is. When you first found out about him and the first time you saw him.
My story begins with the SW coming to the door and asking mom if they would consider adopting one more...obviously yours will be different. It could start off with we decided to have another child but this time chose to adopt and went to X and then we met x etc.
You can practice in the mirror to get comfortable and you don't have to limit it just to telling him his story - just a comment thrown out now and again - I'm so happy we adopted you opens the door to conversation - could be he will ask a question and drop it after you answer or he may have more questions. The KEY is YOU have to be comfortable talking about it or HE will know it is a subject he isn't supposed to talk about and that would be really sad.
Practice talking about it. Being ADOPTED is not something shameful.
Kind regards,