Hi, first post, sorry if it's long but so much has happened. So a little about me: I never really had a maternal instinct, sure I like kids but I never really thought of myself as a mom. The whole idea of being fat and having a baby rip out of me freaked me out and I just never thought about it. Until yesterday. I was watching "the lost girls of china" and not only did it break my heart but it also started a feeling inside me I have never known. I wanted to help one of these poor little girls, I wanted to be a mom for the first time. Now where do I go from here? I know nothing about babies or how to take care of them or how to teach them things. I have plently of time to learn but where do I start. There is so much about being a parent that I dont understand. So thats why I am here, for help, guideance, adn hopefully support in my journey to finding out what it takes to be a mom and how to get there.