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skc515 I understand where you are coming from being a foster parent myself however, I have never treated the fp like she was just a fp or babysitter. All I have ever done out of respect was come to her about the child before going to the cw. What she got upset about was when I tod her almost 2 years ago I was going to have a home study done to try to get her (the child) out of foster care. She (the foster mom) said she was promised in the beginning that she would be able to adopt the child and NO family would come for her because the bioparents were young and really didn't/don't no any better. I am a well educated woman and mother. I respect those who may not respect me. I feel for the fp cause they have opened their heart and home to the child. I too have a foster child that I have had since he was 3 days old and he is now 4 years old. His family is trying to get him and I allow them to take him for weekends and overnight visits. I love this little fellow like I gave birth to him myself but his bio family love him too. They have even asked me to go ahead and adopt him but allow them to still have visits. And because I love him I will do this. And this is truly all I am asking and I don't feel I am being neither pushy or unrealistic. I think as fp we sometimes bash the bio parents for whatever reason their child(ren) may have been taken from them and we put the rest of the family in the same pot and everyone is not the same!