Looking for any family connection or information regarding a white baby girl born on Sept. 7, 1962 in either Iowa City, IA or Davenport, IA through Catholic Charities. Was told she was possibly the ninth child at the time. I am the oldest biological child to this baby girl. I myself have two children and would like if anything to find out overall health history. Being the child of an adoptive person gives me no way to protect my own family now and I would be gracious to anyone with even the slightest insight or help. Thanks!
First of all, let me apologize as I unfortunately have no information regarding your question on the forum. I was curious if you had received or seen any information related to your post during your research. My wife (who I am helping with an adoption search) was born in Davenport, Iowa on 9/7/62 and placed for adoption. According to the little information we have the adoption was done privately through an attorney. There may have been some link to religious agency's but her adoptive parents were Lutherans. I wondered if you had run across any information regarding births on that date in Davenport. I hope you are or were able to find answers in your search. Thank you.