I've always (for 2 years) uploaded pics to Shutterfly, ordered them, had them sent to me, written on the backs, and then sent them off with a little note.
His first mom's life is one in which she doesn't have regular internet unless it is at her mom's house, and she keeps the photos at her mom's house also for safe keeping. She has pics of him on her cell phone, but everything else isn't in the same house she is.
I've started putting the Shutterfly pics on a share site and sending that to her to see until the pictures get to her. I know that easier isn't always better, and I don't want to seem like I'm trying to wiggle out of something, but it would seriously be so much easier for me to just upload the pics to the share site, add little captions, and let her order whatever pics she wants. It may be slightly inconveniencing for her, but I'm also thinking that since she doesn't keep the photos at her house anyway, and can access internet on her phone if she wants, what's the difference?
Our actual contact is kind of hit and miss, so I haven't asked her yet, but would it be ok to suggest this?
I don't see an issue with it. I would just tell her your thoughts on it (when you talk next) and see how she feels about it. This is actually what I've thought about doing in the near future as well. That way our DDs bmom can choose which pics she wants to print or put on a cd/flash drive. If not, she's going to end up with thousands of printed pictures :)
I would love it if I could get pics that way. I would imagine because it is easier for you, you can do more pics.
I would suggest picking one time a year, I would think either Christmas or Mother's Day, to send her some actual hardcopy pics. I do always appreciate those as well.
I've thought about this lately too because I'm ALWAYS late sending updates, but she's always late sending things to S too so we kinda even out ;) And she doesn't seem upset because I text pics back and forth frequently.
However she doesn't have regular internet access that I'm aware of right now so I'm holding off on it for a while still. I'd love to be able to do updates this way. I think for me I'd do the photo share, then send a written update letter when I normally do. But I love handwritten letters and I enjoy sending them to her, although during times I'm really running late I've typed them up :)