I have not heard from my placed son M since a few days before his birthday in September. In that letter he said that he was sorry that it always took him so long to respond to me when I wrote to him and he promised to make time to get back to me promptly in the future. I send him a little note just to say "Hi" about once a month but I have never heard anything back. I also sent him a note earlier this month telling him that I am graduating Nursing School in December and my birthday is in December and he has an open invitation to come celebrate with us. He never responded to that either. First thing this morning, I sent him a message saying that I hoped he had a wonderful Thanksgiving with his family and friends. I know he's been chatting with various friends on fb today but he never responded to me or wished me a Happy Thanksgiving too. I know it is petty but I very hurt about it.
I have not heard from my placed son M since a few days before his birthday in September. In that letter he said that he was sorry that it always took him so long to respond to me when I wrote to him and he promised to make time to get back to me promptly in the future. I send him a little note just to say "Hi" about once a month but I have never heard anything back. I also sent him a note earlier this month telling him that I am graduating Nursing School in December and my birthday is in December and he has an open invitation to come celebrate with us. He never responded to that either. First thing this morning, I sent him a message saying that I hoped he had a wonderful Thanksgiving with his family and friends. I know he's been chatting with various friends on fb today but he never responded to me or wished me a Happy Thanksgiving too. I know it is petty but I very hurt about it.
((((Gwen)))) = just wanted to give you a hug.
Going through the same thing here, last I heard from my DD was in September as well, same little note apologizing that she takes so long to answer me and she knows she owes me an update (last one was in March). Doing the same as you, checking in once a month, sometimes a little "hey" and sometimes a longer update. Nada.
I don't think its petty to feel slighted or hurt. I do. I just think that if things were OK, there would be some point over the past 8 months to bang out an update or two. I know college kids are notoriously bad about communication, but in this day and age it's not that hard. Personally I think my DD is having a hard time with loyalties, I don't think she's ready and that's fine. It hurts but whatever. It's not going to work until she is able to hold up her end of the relationship. I'll still reach out to her here and there and I'll never shut the door on her. But I need to back away a bit to protect myself. That might sound selfish, but that's how I feel and it's what I've got to do right now.
You aren't alone ((((hugs))))
I give you both huge hugs...
I can't imagine how hard it is. My guess is there's no ill intent, rather a lack of follow through (something I lacked in droves during my 20s). I had even more issues with that when it was follow through for a relationship that was important to me (it was easier when I didn't care for some reason).
I hope you're both able to find a way to keep your own sanity. It is completely not selfish to take a step back. I hope you're both able to stick it out until your kids come around.
Until then :love:
(((HUGS))) Gwen!
So happy to hear you are graduating this month, congratulations to you and I admire you for finishing it all along with being a mom, wife, working, etc. etc. etc.!!!:banana:
Congratulations on your upcoming graduation from Nursing School. You are going to be an absolutely awesome RN, Gwen! Your compassion, combined with your intellect and personal experiences, will make such a difference in your future patients' lives.
I don't want to sound like a broken record, but I'm positive that your son thinks about you often. M is at a difficult age for males in general, though. He's finding his wings and becoming independent at this stage of his life. He's most likely going to be ready for full reunion within a few years...but I know that doesn't make you feel any better right now. Just keep sending him notes to let him know that he's in your thoughts. (My son recently told me how much my "thinking of you" notes have meant to him over the years.)
Group hug, Gwen! :grouphug:
Thanks Guys! It means alot to me to hear from you all. Brown, I'm wondering if his problem is that he is a 20 year old boy or that he is afraid he will love me and he doesn't want to "cheat" on his mother. I think that it would be best for me to just send him a note once a month or so to say hi and not look for a message in return. I get sooo disappointed when there is no little icon telling me that I have a message from him. Racilious, you are probably onto something too. My SIL's with children his age have the same problems communicating with them. That age group just seems to lack follow through. Raven is right (as usual). I am going to have to sit back and wait for him to be ready for a relationship. I'm not happy about it though. :hissy: