I get tired of people saying the reason your adopted is because your birthparents are not married that doesn't even make sense because if that was true then there would be lots of adopted people there is a lot of kids and adults who parents are not married and they are not adopted
I am an adopted only child.
My Adotpted parents are much older than typical parents. i am 26, my father is 73 and my mother is 68.
I used to say all the time that i am "blessed, or humbled" for being adopted, and that i was lucky.
But as i grow, i question what might have been. I love them and what they have given for and to me. But they were also very hard workers, and succesfull in their careers. They would be on a work trip at least every week. One would be gone one week, then the other would be gone the next. When i was in elementary school i was taken care of by a nanny they hired. They tried to be in town on the weekends at the same time, and we did spend a lot of time during our vacations, or trips to my grandmothers ranch. But there is still a sense of lost time with on another.
I see how my friends interact with their parents, and siblings, and want that connections so badly. Really with anyone. But i am realizing that its just not going to happen for me. Is it sad, or is it just reality that i inevitably have to accept? I also feel like my experience has caused me to have self esteem issues, accompanied with often times feeling not good enough, or rejected. And to be honest, it hurts .
I think about what it would be like to have a brother or sister all the time. I would love to share my love, and loyalty with someone, because i would take a bullet for anyone that shows the same loyalty!!
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