Hi my name is Jessyca, and I have a sister named Sandra. I was born Aug 30 1981 In Nashua Nh. I have never met my birthmother whos name was Shelby Jean Parkhurst (at the time of my birth) Walston was her maiden name and I just learned that I have a brother named Raymond that was born between 1973-74ish. I have no other info on him besides this. I do know that he was put into foster care around 1980-81ish in New Hampshire or Ma. I have looked for my BM before w no positive info learned. I am looking on how to start my search...where it ia not going to cost me a lot of money, My father passed away 7yrs ago and unfortunatly took any info about my life with him....So if anyone could help me begin my search Id appreciate it@ Thanks!!!