ISO birthfamily and sibling. Born April 25, 1965 in Daytona Beach, Florida. I have very little info on birthfather. He was in early 20's and was working for an electrical contractor at time of birth. My birthmother was possibly 19-20 years old, and was placed for adoption at time of birth that was handled by The Children's Home Society (CHS), and believe that my birthfamly was from the west side of Florida at the time. Maternal grandfather was a shop teacher and business owner. A uncle served in the Navy. To my knowledge, a year or two after my birth, birthmom married a defense contractor and moved to Belgium. I have a half-sister (name unk) that was born in Belgium, but birthmother and sister's father are divorced. I believe my half sibling and birthmom had a strained relationship and her father had custody after divorce. birthmom married another man who had a son. birthmom passed away in 2000 from apparent complications of Diabetes. Florida records are sealed. CHS contacted the step-brother during a 2008 search request but failed to reveal no further information. Need help in getting word out.