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Thread: Methadone???
Our first foster placement came home from the NICU on methadone. She went home but is still being titered down and is on a low dosage at almost five months.
We kept her swaddled, used an IPOD app called "baby soothe" that had several natural and white noise sounds and panicked if we misplaced her pacifier :)
She did not have the tremors and full rages that many babys do but she was very tense and frustrated little one.
As pp said each baby is different and what works for one will not work for another.
I would advise though if baby is sent home on the methadone that you make sure you have a pharmacy that can fill the script. After a long search our only option turned out to be the hospital pharmacy where the NICU was located. None of our local ones could supply the liquid methadone without a two week notice.