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Thread: Saying goodbye
My daughter (13months) is going to be adopted very soon. Tuesday is the last time I will see her. Does anyone know how I can say goodbye to her?
I urge you to do the grief work.. If you feel the pain of your loss go into it.. don't block it like I did.. I relinquished in the sixties and then shut my emotions down.. I forgot his birth date.. I forgot my guilt and my memories..
Its a learned thing and shutting down ones emotions becomes a trigger which did not serve my life after that terrible time..
Talking about my feelings with trusted persons helped me the most.. posting my pain to all helped.. finding places where I was safe on the net and also finding places where I was not safe and fighting to make myself heard helped..
Above all remember why you are doing this.. and search all the reasons.. be solid in your thoughts..
I am over ten years into the finding of my son.. and I no longer worry and fret and cry about what happened all those years ago..
You can do this and come out of it emotionally well.. Just don't stop talking and sharing..
All the best and my heart goes out to you.. you are not alone..