Hello to all courageous ladies out there (aka "birthmothers")!
I am not here to lurk around your forum, reading your inmost thoughts, etc. As a matter of fact, I haven't read much at all on this forum. I don't want you to feel like I'm intruding into your world.
But I have a question that I think only you ladies can help me with, and that's why I came here.
We are planning to adopt a newborn domestically, and as part of our birthmother gift, I'd like to give her a book that would bless her and help her. "Birthparent Grief" by Brenda Romanchik was recommended, but it seems to be out of print.
What other books out there have been helpful and comforting to you ladies? I'd be grateful for some feedback if you wouldn't mind taking a minute.
Thanks so much!
Two books I highly recommend and have helped me as a first mother.
Primal Wound [url=] primal wound: Books[/url] and
Adoption Healing
[url=] Books[/url]