I've been searching for almost 8 years now hoping to make contact with my daughters birthmom, to offer her continued contact and I THINK I FOUND HER!:clap: I'm almost certian I've found her! :clap: All I have to go by is her name, an old picture, and a little bit of background history. ALL of which seem to FIT. (older sister even has the same middle name as my daugters middle "birth name"). I'm nervous and excited at the same time. I wrote her a short message and now I'm just waiting to hear back from her. Our dd was placed at birth for adoption through fostercare and we never got the oppotrunity to meet her. I hope this is it:cloud9:
Good luck!Be very cautious,with what u tell her.Was she placed because she had a drug problem or abuse or voluntary,because she wanted her daughter to have a better life.And CPS may not always be truthful.
She was placed volunterily at birth (birthmom had planned to place her since she found out she was pregnant at 3 months). Yes, there were other circumstances, but nothing huge. The only problem we faced was that it was a legal risk adoption because bithmom had been seperated from her husband for some time and could not give the where abouts of either the birth father or her (still legally married but seperated ) husband. So I believe DHS had to post in the newspapers for both.
It's been a week and I still haven't heard anything back from her. I'm not sure if she just hasn't seen it yet or is still thinking about it. How long should I wait? I have her address and could send her a message that way. I just wanted to respect her privacy and sending a message through facebook seemed more personal, since anyone could intercept a letter in the mail. What do you think?
She was placed volunterily at birth (birthmom had planned to place her since she found out she was pregnant at 3 months). Yes, there were other circumstances, but nothing huge. The only problem we faced was that it was a legal risk adoption because bithmom had been seperated from her husband for some time and could not give the where abouts of either the birth father or her (still legally married but seperated ) husband. So I believe DHS had to post in the newspapers for both.
It's been a week and I still haven't heard anything back from her. I'm not sure if she just hasn't seen it yet or is still thinking about it. How long should I wait? I have her address and could send her a message that way. I just wanted to respect her privacy and sending a message through facebook seemed more personal, since anyone could intercept a letter in the mail. What do you think?
With the new facebook settings, messages from people not your friends go directly into the "OTHER" folder and you do not receive a notification. I would consider creating a secondary facebook account, and friending her on that account. That way you can be certain she will get notification.
What? What "other folder"? Uhg. What if she has already tried to message me and I missed it? Would it seem wierd of me to message her on one account and then friend her on a seperate account? Then again, I don't want her having unlimited acess to all my posts and pictures and info. without at least getting to know her first.hmm?:(
I just found the "other" file. Thank you for letting me know about that.:eek: I think I will just keep checking the "other" file for now.
Your message just clicked in my brain:hissy: . I took it to mean that I might not see her message but now I realize that you meant she may not even see my message.:eek: :hissy:
It's been a month and she still hasn't contacted me. I've seen that over the last week and a half she has been on to add about 8 new friends. So I assume she has either seen my message (which I don't think, since it seems she is new to facebook and if it doesn't even notify you of messages in your "other" file than she likely didn't even think to look there), or she hasn't seen it. I'm guessing she hasn't seen it.
I guess I will have to either make a seperate account or see if I can personalize what she sees on my account (at least until I get a chance to get to know her, since I use my account a lot).