we were four siblings given in adoption in San Antonio TX, we were born 1947-1951, i found three of my siblings by now but only SARA VALERIE is still missing, after many researches done by several persons, we know SARA was adopted by EVELYN HYMER and mr. SIMONFY , SARAS name was changed to SARA JEAN SIMONFY, she was born 1950 in San Antonio TX, SARA SIMONFY last place known to live was RIO RANCHO NEW MEXICO AND ALBURQUERQUE NEW MEXICO, but we havnt been able to find her address or phone number, i found also our birth parents long time ago and they both passed away, i reunited myt sister BEVERLY she is the oldest, our brother LOUIS TRINIDAD passed away, both of them were adopter together, my name was LOUELLA SANCHEZ, and i am the youngest, if anyone knows the whereabouts of my sister SARA JEAN SIMONFY or if u SARA read this message please contact me, i love u SARA.:wings: :thanks: