The whole process of adoption is not easy for any parties involved. A young child finding out she is pregnant, or that mom that can barely feed her kids. It might be that young girl whose family member took advantage of her or that career woman that had no intentions of having a child that was sexually accosted. Who ever she was, adoption was never the choice. There are many who do not believe in abortion. And there are those that know that now is not the time...for whatever their reason. Someone quietly mentions adoption. Can I really do this? Carry this child for 9 months then just hand this child over to some other family? For some, this is the hardest decision ever made in their life. But what if this family has a great big backyard for a swingset? And a room just for this child? Private schools and the best education? Or trips to Disneyland? This is the American dream and what we all want for our child. So adoption....yes. Does the fairytale always happen like this, no. I can't say what a child of adoption goes through. I can only say my side of things. The picture of his first birthday wearing the cowboy hat that I missed. Going with his amom to get his picture taken on his 3 birthday in the cute overalls. Hearing about him being in his church choir that I missed the recitale. Or how about when he was 12 and went to Disneyland. The pictures stopped coming at 16. What happened? Did they move? Did they not know we waited every year for those pictures? His 18th was his high school graduation? This big 21, was there a big celebration with his friends? Every single birthday was spent thinking of him. Every single Christmas. Finding him on facebook was the scariest, exciting, nervous, anxiety-filled day...and then the wait. I know to expect anger, resentment...but I hope not hate. Please not that! And yes, here comes the anger. And the questions, why now? Why when you have two other kids? One simple answer, I never forgot about you.