We so need some prayers right now. My breif history is that we adopted our amazing, perfect son at birth 17 months ago. He has a brother (2 1/2) and a sister (5). Their mom (my son's bmom) died last may and their dad is in and out of jail and rehab. The kids are with an uncle (brother) and a great grandmother (sister). We have been trying for a year to get these kids home with us. We just found out that the uncle (who is a LAWYER) has been investigated for abuse against my son's sister and yet DHR left them where they are. We basically had a talk with family and let them know that we are here and ready to adopt these kids, give them a family, structure, discipline, love. We will know the fate of these kids within a week!
We really need prayer! We are excited about the prospect of bringing them home, but we need to know this is God's will! (We are 41 and 48 and would have a 1,2 and 5 year old!) :woohoo: We also need prayer that the family will do what is best for the kids and make sure they are safe and happy.
Thanks for listening - and for the prayer and support!
But not how we hoped. Today, we officially closed the door on the possibility of getting the other kids. I'm sad for them as they will have a difficult life, but am relieved that the fight is over. I will be able to tell my son that we tried. THen last night we were contacted about a possible foster baby situation. It, too, fell through. Tough, emotional day, but we will survive. I know God has a plan for us, and I trust Him totally. I'm just a little sad. And to imagine that I used to like Friday the 13th!!! :)
Thank you all for your prayers. I know God has a plan, and I thank Him for it. Can't wait until I figure out what it is! :)
God Bless you girl! I am praying for your family. I have never been in your shoes, but I can only imagine how tough it has been to close that door. But, it sounds like your heart is in the right place, and as long as your trusting God, it will all come together better than you could have ever imagined.