Hi !
So glad I found you.
We have a bio son who is 7.
A bio daughter who is 4.
and we want to adopt a 4 year old who is medically fragile and sn. Same sort of situation as our bio DD>
Looking for any advice from someone who has 2 medically fragile in their home.
We are doing our HS now and have done our local adotpion training.
We have a wheelchair accessible home. Room experience with. Know the resources- financial and medical to access and our hearts are ready. We are doing this because this is what we know. If we don't apply for her who will ? She is being cared for a hospital. Breaks my heart. Her online profile would match our DD. More work = more rewards.
I have one medically fragile kiddo. I know I could never handle 2 children who would not grow up and move out ;) I also don't know how people with two kids in wheelchairs do it. But they certainly do. There are a few people on this board who have multiple medical special needs kiddos. Hopefully they will chime in!
I currently only have one medically complicated child but am about to have 2. So much depends on the needs of the children. One of the reasons my husband and I waited so long to have/adopt other children was that my son was just SOOOOO much work when he was younger. It has gotten more stable as he has grown up though and we feel that we can handle more children now.
Good luck! Let us know how everything goes.
For some people it is works. We are one of those families. I have 3 bio kids ages 17, 14, and 12 (C.P. and seizures) and are 3 months away from finalizing on a special needs little 1 yr old.
We felt the same way as you did--this is our normal and we can do this so why not. The hardest part has been trying to get little one's services in place, getting the doctors lined up, and keeping my mouth shut. The mouth shut is because as a foster parent I can't make decisions yet for little one even when I know it is the best thing for little one. As mom to my bio sn son I can do what needs to be done without having to wait on court order or asking sw. It has been a learning experience.
If you can do it then I say go for it. Good luck!