Long story short...
Our family is interested in adopting a sibling group of four children currently in foster care. We begin MAPP classes in July and are very close to the children.
My mother is a very nasty and vindictive person who is completely against this adoption. She believes that it will take love, attention, and resources from our biological children, and she is also very jealous of time and attention given to anyone but herself. She has threatened to do anything she can to stop this process, simply because she thinks she can.
I have no concerns with anything other than the references required during the home study. I work for my mother (unfortunately), and I am pretty sure she would come up with anything possible that she felt would halt the process. DH and I have perfect records, good health, great family/home/church concerns whatsoever other than the fact that I have a lulu bird for a mother. :grr:
Should this be a point of worry for us? I will certainly explain the situation to the caseworker if I can, but I am concerned that having a vindictive relative who plagues us might be a red flag in a home study.
Any advice please???
I know here we gave personal references that we wanted to give (we were licensed in Florida). Some had to be neighbors, some family, and some friends. I can't remember how many of each but I believe it was only 1 family member. Do you have another family member you can use? I also don't believe they called for a reference from our jobs. We had to make out a financial budget type report to show we could cover our bills with our income but I don't believe they called our jobs. It's been about 5 yrs so that may have changed.
Thanks for your replies.I have two supportive siblings and an extensive "church family", so support system is there. I was concerned more along the lines of her being contacted as a reference and then saying things that were completely untrue. I guess a nice chat with the person that does the homestudy is in order :).