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You know, all the big fears people have about open adoption, in my mind come back to one thing
That you, as a mum, want to be able to meet ALL your childs needs. Contact is fundamentally based on the idea that a child might or will or has, some emotional needs or wants that can only be filled by their first parents/family. Needs that can't be met by the adoptive parents/family. And I think that that idea can feel frightening and/or threatening to parents or prospective parents. After all, you SHOULD be able to do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING for your child, and the idea that after going through so much to be a parent, you might not be able to provide fully for your child, is not always a nice idea! And the cold logic that follows is often if she can provide these things that I cannot, what use will my child have for me?", "Aren't I enough?"
It doesn't help that our society is nowadays structured around a nuclear family that can do everything for a child. We are conditioned by society to believe in the one mother/one father who do everything. And adoption can go so far outside that, there is another mother and father out there.
Ultimately, it's not always easy if you choose a path, that involves not fitting in with that model
But, the fact is that you ARE a real mum in the end. I promise that. Your child will know who you are :)
(Disclaimer - my opinion only. Feel free to vehemently disagree :p )
Phooey :) I am my kids' parent. I make 100% of the decisions. My mother doesn't get a say, my sister doesn't dictate my parenting, my in laws don't get input either. Birth parents, in a case of an infant adoption, have input into the type of family they want raising their child (religious, stay at home parent, educated etc) but after that, their parenting decisions are handed over. Also, raise your kids to THINK. Take advice and make their own decisions.
Last update on May 23, 12:29 pm by SASY LAITY.