Hello, all:
I'm new here. Last week--it hasn't even been a full week, yet--I learned that women with my rare eye condition actually lose some (or a lot) of their sight when pregnant. There have been no official studies on this because, as I said, the condition is rare in women of reproductive age. But, I've been talking to experts who tell their patients that vision loss is "expected" during pregnancy.
I'm already legally blind and have been my whole life. I can get around by myself on foot or by public transportation and am otherwise very independent. Losing more sight, though, would change all of that. And the idea of rapidly going totally or mostly blind is just terrifying.
Needless to say, my husband and I were very upset by this. It took us a long time to decide that this would be the "right" time to have kids. I'm 30ish now. It seemed like the perfect time to TTC. I even spoke to my physician and stopped taking the pill!
Now... I'm at a loss. Adoption feels like more of a reality every day. But the stress is just almost too much.
I'd love to adopt internationally (India, in particular), but I know there's a lot of red tape involved, and it's nearly impossible to adopt a newborn if you're not an Indian citizen and resident. I'd love to adopt domestically, but the laws scare me. I understand that it's not an overnight decision for a birth mother to give up her child, but the fact that she can change her mind in (sometimes) the weeks following birth is very frightening. How can I bond with a child knowing that he or she could be taken away from me at any moment?
I know I'm thinking about too much in too short of a time, and so I'm feeling very stressed and very exhausted. I'd love for you to share your thoughts and experiences with me. Thank you so much.
Its not that bad, but fostering and adopting is really stressful. there are social workers coming whenever. Taking kids to visits with their parents. But the not knowing if they will be yours forever is the worst part. you do it to yourself, you fully love the kids knowing that you wont be able to breathe if they reunite. i pray my two boys will stay with me forever. The basic answer is just do it. you wont know until you do it.