My boyfriend and I actually wanted to get pregnant. We weren't together that long and I was pregnant in 3 months. Probably not the best idea. We were super excited at first. We just had our ultrasound to find out what we are having and to our severe dissapointment, it's a boy. We both had our hearts set on a girl. My heart dropped the minute the tech said that. I've been ultra depressed to the point of not eating and having suicidal thoughts. When he told me he didn't want this child either and didn't think he could learn to love it I started thinking about my options. I never thought adoption would be an option for me especially because i was so happy to get pregnant. I don't know if it still even is an option or if I'm just having really bad pregnancy depression. I feel like a terrible person for not wanting my child just because of it's gender. I know it's not the baby's fault. I'm so lost and my family has ostracized me. The only support I really have is my 5 year old daughter who wipes my tears away when i think about this decision. Has anyone else felt this way? :confused: