Hello all! I'm super new to this forum and adoption in general but went through the adoption of a newborn baby girl with some dear friends. I feel in my heart that my husband and I are being called to adopt a 2 yr old little boy with special needs. Everywhere I turn there is some mention of adoption and I even found a copy of a magazine for adoptive parents of special needs kids in my buggy at the grocery store :p I think about this little boy all the time. We already have an 8 yr old and a 9 mo old biologically so adding to our brood isn't a problem. The issue seems to be that my husband isn't "feeling" the adoption thing. Not that he doesn't want it or wouldn't but he said he thought God would've made it clear to us both at the same time. He's asked me if we could get more info on "J" but the agency won't release anything without a home study first. I need advice, encouragement and prayers :confused:
Hi, Lots of prayer! I would also encourage you to read "Adopting the Hurt Child" by Gregory Keck and any other books you can find. We have adopted our son from foster care (he was 9 months old at placement). He is now 14 and we have been through 10 very challenging years with him. I know God called us to "make him your son", but I am not sure that means he has to live in our home at this point. We are looking at a therapeutic out-of-home placement currently. In your case, I would be concerned about the impact of a special needs 2 year old on your younger baby - that could be huge. You would want to do everything possible to make sure the 2 year old is 100% supervised around the younger one. I will pray for you and your decision - that it be in God's will and also that you will have all the support you need if you do adopt this child. Please pray for us in our difficult time. Thanks so much.
As Christians I think we are all being called to foster/adopt. We are called to take care of widows and orphans. I really love the podcast (you can find it on itunes or the web) called The Foster Adoption Podcast with Tim and Wendy. They talk a lot about faith based adoption. Keep researching, do your paperwork, move forward and see if the hubby doesn't start to feel something too.
Hello all! I'm super new to this forum and adoption in general but went through the adoption of a newborn baby girl with some dear friends. I feel in my heart that my husband and I are being called to adopt a 2 yr old little boy with special needs. Everywhere I turn there is some mention of adoption and I even found a copy of a magazine for adoptive parents of special needs kids in my buggy at the grocery store :p I think about this little boy all the time. We already have an 8 yr old and a 9 mo old biologically so adding to our brood isn't a problem. The issue seems to be that my husband isn't "feeling" the adoption thing. Not that he doesn't want it or wouldn't but he said he thought God would've made it clear to us both at the same time. He's asked me if we could get more info on "J" but the agency won't release anything without a home study first. I need advice, encouragement and prayers :confused: