I was born in 1964 & placed for adoption through Catholic Charities. I believe the adoption process was similar to adopting a puppy from the shelter today. I am still in awe that my adoptive parents were given a baby, as they should have been screened out.
I don't have any happy childhood memories. I remember the first time I was beaten, I was 3 years old. I always knew these people weren't my real parents, & I never bonded with them. I remember feeling very confused after that beating, as I didn't do anything wrong, & you don't spank or hit a 3 year old, especially one out of an orphanage. My father did this because my mother wanted him to. He still blindly follows her every order to this day, & he is now 80 years old.
There wasn't any love or physical affection in the house of horrors I grew up in. There are no existing pics of me in childhood because, to hurt me, she threw them all in the trash, she didn't even ask if I wanted them. Of the few I saw, I had a few black eyes in some, when I was under 4 years old, & there were no pics of loving parents playing with me or holding me, or even smiling at me. I was a very obedient child, because I never knew when she would go crazy & hit me or have my Dad beat me. I remember when the neighbor took a rock & slammed it into my head, I was punished because she didn't want to be bothered. She never comforted me or asked if I was ok. Or when the neighbor bully came into my yard & punched me in the back, because her mother had given me some baby frogs. She did this in front of both of our mothers talking over the fence. I was hit so hard, & went to my mother crying.My mother yelled at me & told me to get away.I don't have 1 memory of her ever comforting me, or saying anything nice to me.
My adopted mother had so many names for me, & I was called these everyday. This caused me to have no self esteem & I'm still affected by this today. Her favorites were stupid, disgusting, liar, clumsy, stinky ( a word I have never said in any form, it's so ugly) slob, sloppy, & that I had stringy hair. For many years I tried to get the "stringiness" out. Finally I realized it was a lie, I stopped the cuts, perms, dying, & left it alone in it's natural state. I'm told daily how beautiful my hair is today, too bad I wasted all those years believing her horrible lies about me. I had to go to work at 14 years old, as my adopted mother always had what she wanted/needed, but I never had proper clothing & I had to work to buy my own. My adopted sister chased me through & out of the house everyday on summer vacation with a 10 inch long butcher knife while my parents were at work. She pulled my bikini top down at the public pool, & twisted my fingers during her attacks so badly I had to wear braces as they were bruised to the bone. My parents said this was the result of "girls fighting. No, I was attacked.They did nothing to stop it or protect me. They never once told her her behavior was inappropriate. My adoptive mother raised us that her family is superior, & talked to her family for hours on end on the phone, wanting to know everything going on their lives, To this day, I'm 47, I have never had a compliment from her. She has told me my whole life she doesn't care about me & doesn't want to hear about "my problems." My adoptive parents traveled every year out of state on vacation since I was 15 years old, on Thanksgiving. I had no money, as I was in between jobs, & no car. All I had to eat was a small amount of lunch meat & white bread. I spent every Thanksgiving alone. She lied for years about my nationality, & said I was German because my adopted sister, who is no relation, is German. She never made any effort to find out any background info about me, as it didnt matter to her. She was so proud of her heritage. To this day I have no mother. She is a selfish evil woman. We have very little contact. I want to sue Catholic Charities for giving her a baby. There were no social workers who came to check on me after the adoption. They never followed up on my adoption.My adopted parents didn't know basic comon sense things, like babies need to be held a lot, especially those from an orphanage. They say the kids in the orphnage were happy & there's no difference between being there & being in a home. My mother critized me as crying as a baby whenever she put me down; her ignorance is astounding. I wasn't held after birth they wouldn't ley my birth mother touch me. I was in St. Vincents for 2 months. Once adopted, I laid in the crib all day long, until my body was covered head to toe in my own excrement. My mother says my Dad was a good parent because he cleaned it off me. I read in a book about adoptees some years ago, this happens when babies aren't held or talked to, this is how they express grief for the missing birth mother. I also lost weight. Doctors didn't know back then about failure to thrive, but I'm sure I had it, as though my parents took me to the doctor & said I was losing weight because of diarrea. I believe it was because I laid neglected in a crib while she smoked cigarettescontinuesly, & talked on the phone. My birth father was from Nebraska, JACK MERCIER. He was 25 in 1964. He lived in Chicago. Help, if you may know him, I have never had a real family.I need to find him.
I truly feel for you. I don't believe that there was any malicious intent to put you with a woman that it sounds like she needed a mental institution, not children.
I do know, that until I was 15, my adoptive mother had no idea that she had un-diagnosed mental and emotional disorders. I was mad at first, but my adoptive mother made every effort to fix the problems once she found out about them. It was so hard and embarrassing for her, but she admitted to needing treatment and sought it out. It took me a lot of years to come to grips with the things that happened between me and my adoptive mother. Then when I was 30, I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder along with some other issues. Suddenly, things came into focus for me. So many unexplained things, over so many years, in an instant, became clear. And I grieved for my adoptive mother at that point. I suddenly knew the horror that she felt when she found out about her issues.
Our situations are different yet similar. You were unfortunate enough to get placed with an unfit set of parents. A "mother" figure with no heart, and a "father" figure that had no intestinal fortitude. Far too many have been placed in heartless conditions and there needs to be some serious changes made to the system.
I hope that one day, you can come to terms with the fact that you are not the problem. That the abuse and neglect was not your fault. That you don't deserve to feel the way that you do about yourself. I broke contact with my adoptive parents for a while. Moved across the country and struggled through life, trying to figure out why I had ever been born. I felt that my birth mother hadn't wanted me, I felt like nothing but a burden and excess baggage to my adopted family. That's a feeling that has tainted most of my adult relationships as well.
I buried rage and anger as deeply as I could, for as long as I could. Then I really began to lash out. And it was only those that I had chosen to be close to that suffered for it. In the end, I was the only one suffering for it. Everyone else wrote me off.
If you ever do anything for yourself in life, let it be the healing step of releasing that anger. Your soul is the one suffering the pain of that. Its ok to be angry and hurt. Its ok to scream into your pillow and cry about the things that you've lost in life. Its ok to give in to that grief sometimes. Its ok to feel cheated. But there comes a point in life, that holding onto those pains and hurts, becomes more and more damaging to your own mental and emotional health, which in turn starts destroying you physically.
There are so many people that I wish that I could gather up and hug and just tell them that they're not alone in their pain. That their suffering isn't out of place. That its ok to be angry for a time and at times throughout life, but that holding onto it is so much of a detriment. Not just to them, but to those that they have chosen to allow into their lives.
I'm seeking birth family as well. The unknown bothers me beyond belief. I've been told that some of my issues could possibly be hereditary, I've also been told that there is a possibility that there was drug use involved during her pregnancy. But, I saw no proof of that in the information that I have, only speculation because of her lifestyle at the time, and the use of a prescribed medication that is now known to have caused problems.
I wish that I could reach out and take your pain. That I could speak some magic word and make it go away. But then I remember, that without my struggles and processes that I've had to go through, I would have no peace now. I had to decide that allowing that anger to burn inside of me, was only killing me. I had to force myself to realize that life isn't fair to anyone and that I had to be ready to drop that unwanted burden that had been put on my shoulders, through no fault of my own. If I hadn't taken it up on my own, I shouldn't have to carry it anymore. I had to stop being an unwilling slave to other peoples' bad choices. A lot easier said than done.
I still cry myself to sleep sometimes. I still ache over not having some kind of close familial bond with someone that shares the blood that runs through my veins. I ache over not having a closer relationship with my adoptive family, as they are the only family that I actually remember. But that ache is nowhere near the inescapable black hole that it used to be.
Hurdles are a pain. There's always a fear that they'll trip you up and they sometimes do. I had to learn to pick myself up and keep running. Not for the team. Not for the coach. But for myself, to know that I can take a fall and still finish the race.
I pray that you find some kind of peace. I hope that you know, or come to find out, that you are worth having that healing. You are worth living life well. You are worth the effort that you put into yourself. And that those that don't want to see your worth and those that bring you down, aren't the ones that count. They're the hurdles that we have to have the courage to soar over and leave behind.
Thank you for your message, it touched me deeply. You said something that really affected me, that is was not my fault. I've carried all of this pain & misery around for so long, but now I keep reminding myself that's it's not my fault. A lot of this pain was buried so deeply for so long, & has come to the surface in the past few months, as my adopted mother has reached out into my life to cause more pain. She has done & said things to cause me even more pain, telling me & my kids not to come to the house for Mothers or Fathers Day, giving me the impression that I've done something wrong, & to reject me again, & cause those childhood memories to surface again. I can't have a relationship with someone who continuesly causes me emotional harm & is so toxic. I believe she's bothered by the fact that I have treated my kids very differently. That they like each other & get along. That they both still live at home with me, as I was out fending for myself at 19. By me not repeating the cycle, by not acting towards my kids the way she acted to me, this bothers her, so she lashes out. Today & tomorrow she will be removed from all of my emergency contacts, as a hospital called her, trying to reach me, & she did absoultly nothing to contact me. She just doesn't care. The only person she ever cared about was herself. That will never change. I don't want this emotional pain to hurt me physically. I'm middle aged, & lookng back on my life it's been more of a struggle then t had to be because of her.She has brought hurt, pain & misery to my life, & brought nothing positive, no love or comfort. I don't even know how to begin to forgive, when she refuses to acknowledge that she has done any wrong. I just know that I can't continue to carry this grief around anymore, it's too much baggage that weighs me down & makes me sad.That's bad when you can't even have your adopted mther on your emergency contact list at work & the hospital because she refuses to pick up a phone & make a call on your behalf, to get important info to you. This just shows again what an evil witch she is. She will never be civil to me. She is a mean hateful cruel beast. I know now that I have to find a way to forgive, but not to excuse her behavior. Thank you for your post to my story,
Forgiveness isn't for her, its for you. You're exactly right about carrying around damaging baggage. Its only weighing you down. Someone that refuses to see the wrongs that they've done to people, aren't going to be willing to "accept" forgiveness. They don't think that they need it. It sounds like you have your head on straight when it comes to your children and breaking the cycle of pain that you suffered through. I'm glad that you realized it and broke away from that pattern of hostility. Your children deserve the very best of you. And as sad as it may be, if you can't get positive feedback from the family that made sure you weren't homeless ( because it really sounds like they felt that they were being magnanimous by taking you in ), then its time to introduce people into your life that will be positive for you and your children. There is no need to go out of your way to acknowledge or seek approval from people that have never been known to do so from you. You get out of a relationship that which you put into it.
I know the desire to try. Your health, mental, emotional and physical, are now supposed to be trained on making sure that your children and grandchildren grow to be strong and secure. Anyone that goes out of their way to intrude upon or damage that through negative means, is no longer an avenue that you need to spend energies on. And I know that hurts. Its painful when you try to set aside so many years of pain. It sneaks back in on bad days and leaves a pit in your stomach. I know how bad it is when, suffering through the trials of life, you can't even call on "mommy" to help ease the pain. And how much more that it hurts to know that if you do reach out, all that you will do is compound that pain.
I pray that you find peace enough within yourself to begin healing.
Thank you for the wisdom you have shared with me. I've read the post a few times & I'm going to read it several more times. You made some profound statements that are very true & affected me deeply. Thanks for sharing your insight. My life has been hard b/c I don't have a mother. I remember seeing other mothers being loving to their children, & I always wished as a child & an adult that I had a Mom like that, but I don't. You are so right about the forgiveness, she will never admit she ever did anything wrong & her & my Dad deny many things that happened. The last time I saw her she brought up how my hair is "thicker now because of all the haircuts". I wanted to scream at her, but I didn't, as my kids were there. Hair thickness is genetic & never changes. Instead of starting a big fight in front of my kids, I remained quiet as she sat there, her facial expression saying it all, how right she was, to cut my stringy hair off. Previously I told her all the kids teased me because I looked a boy, & in 5th grade she did it the day before picture day. I was tormented by the kids in school. Instead of acknowledging this she denys it. She said I was never teased by the kids in school because I looked like a boy. She wasn;t even there! She won't admit she was ever wrong about anything. She will never acknowledge the truth. It's easier to call me a liar. What is stringy hair anyway? She never once told me I had nice hair, she never ran her fingers thru it to comfort me. Why would anyone torture a child emotionally with that? It's an insult to my DNA, to my bloodline, but she is too ignorant & doesn't have the compassion for others, nor does she care about all the insults she hurled at me daily & how they destroyed me. She believes the insults are the truth about me, & she was right. I made decisions based on how I felt about myself, & they were all a disaster.I didn't have anyone to guide me through the decision making process in my young adulthood. I have to move on.The only reason I had any contact with her is I wanted my kids to have grandparents. I'm not alone, I still have my kids with me. Maybe just living my life to the fullest is the best revenge. All I can do is go foward from here. I can't change a sociopath. Just b/c she said bad things about me, doesn't make them true. I'm not any of the things she said I was. She's a Sociopath.
I'm sorry man I've been saying the same thig about screenig parents and making them go through classes properly because parents are emotionally neglectful especially if they don't have their emotions together.
I will help you look also pm me ill give you my cell.
I was in foster kin the first two years of my life with someone who was cooking angel dust in the house I was born special needs at 1lb 8oz poly drug addicted. Long story short I was void of physical abuse it was mere psychological torture. I don't think it's right we're being blamed for not mourning the loss of of birth parents. Because we have attachment issues lets change this
I read your story and it is very sad. I'm sorry all that happened to you. I'm glad that you have decided to put up a wall to that now and that you don't believe the things she has said to you.
I read a book that might help you. It's called, "Surviving a Borderline Parent: How to Heal Your Childhood Wounds and Build Trust, Boundaries, and Self-esteem" I found it really helpful. I am not saying your mom had Borderline Personality Disorder, I am just recognizing that you might find the book helpful. You said she was a sociopath, and maybe that's true, but, there are a lot of similar behaviors with borderline and there are many books written about help for dealing with borderline relationships. You may find it assists you in realizing more about how to help yourself figure out how all this has affected you today.
good luck!
Thanks to everyone who has posted & shared their experiences with me. I did find comfort in your messages, & I will buy the book that was recommended about sociopaths.
I still don't have a good relationship with my adoptive parents, who still reaches out to lash out at me, last year she told us not to come for Christmas. She thought she would cause me lots of pain & grief by ruining the holidays. We had a nice Christmas here with just me & the kids. The only was she can exert control is to lash out & attempt to cause me misery. I made a decision not to let her actions hurt me any more. I do call to talk to my adopted Dad & I make sure the kids call & keep in touch with their grandparents. They have a different relationship with them then I have. I never interfered with their relationship with their grandparents & I don't talk bad about my parents to them.
I had to call my adopted mother the other day, since she had thrown all pictures that existed of me into the garbage, without ever asking me if I wanted them. She never kept a baby book on me, & the pictures she took of me were far & few between. There were a few from when I was little, none from my teenage years. The few that were given to her from other people she threw into the trash without ever asking me if I wanted them. I asked again for my communion & confirmation pictures, but she tossed all of them into the garbage years ago. I was hoping she missed a few, but she made sure she trashed every last one.
I believe this is her way of continuing to send the message, loud & clear, that I am worthless & I have no value. To her, I am nothing more than garbage. We were raised her family is superior, & she believes that to this day. She always was a controlling person, & she still lashes out to hurt me in any way that she can. That is the only way she can exert control over me. I chose not to accept that & not to let me hurt me anymore. That is a very painful experience she put me through, tossing all of my pictures into the trash, but they're gone & I can't get them back. At least I don't have to put up with visits anymore, where every time I speak she gets animated, rolling her eyes, & calling me a liar in front of other people. If I mention something that happened, & she wasn't there, she still disagrees with what really happened, rolls her eyes, calls me a liar in front of people. We don't visit with her anymore, at her request, so I don't have to go through that anymore. She used to roll her eyes at me & call me stupid, but after my son was born I told her not to call me stupid, especially in front of him. So now she just rolls her eyes at me. She believes she has a license to be abusive to me. I wish she would have taken all of that negative energy & had been a nice decent person who said nice things to me, comforted me, & gave me self esteem, but she chose not to do that.
I have moved on, my wounds have healed somewhat, & I focus on being a good mother to my children. It's unfortunate that I only have a handful of pictures of me as a child to pass on to my children & grandchildren. She didn't throw away any pictures of her & my dad, most of those she had blown up into 8 x 10 pictures, go figure.
I've learned that I can't change her behavior, but I can change my reaction to it. Sometimes you have to let people go & cut the contact to stop the pain they cause in your life.
Despite everything she put me through, I'm a loving mother, I provided for my children & I sacrificed for them. I put them through years of Tai Kwan Do & horseback riding. I made something of myself, & I've had a solid career for 14 years. I'm putting my daughter through college.
I have learned that I just because my adoptive other called me those bad names daily, that doesn't make it true. I am not the garbage she raised me to believe that I am.
Her job was to protect nurture & provide, & she did the opposite of that. How could she do that to an innocent child? I'll let the good Lord deal with her, that's all I can do.
Thank you for all of the kindness, support & understanding you all have shown to me. Thank you for the wise words & sound advice you have given me. I hope this post helps someone else who has been through a similar situation.
I'm so sorry that you have been through all of this.
I want to make a couple of points from a different perspective in the hopes that they help.
First - being adopted didn't ruin your life. Your adopted parents ruined your childhood. They are the ones that are responsible for the trauma you were subjected to at their hands. It wasn't the adoption. The agency obviously made a mistake, and these things still happen today unfortunately, but there is more screening in place now.
Second - your life is not ruined. You still have many years left that can be happy and productive. I'm going to echo what others have said about forgiveness. It's not about them. It's a gift to yourself. I was physically and verbally abused by my ex-stepdad who adopted me. I have forgiven him. I don't have a relationship with him and won't. But I don't hold that anger, bitterness or hurt in my heart. Holding onto the hurt or the anger poisons your soul. That's what has the potential to ruin your life. You sound like you're making some progress. Don't be afraid to ask for help or see a counselor to reinforce the positives. Find a way, whether through talking, or journaling, art, whatever it takes, to release that hurt. It takes time but you can do it.
Lastly, it sounds like most of your lack of contact is at her request. Stop it. Make it at your insistence. That's a big difference in attitude. Change your phone number. Change your email. Don't give the new contact information to her. If she bothers to find you, tell her YOU don't want contact with her. I know you've tried to keep a good relationship with AD for your kids. That's your call, but it's leaving you open to constantly have your wounds picked at. Your daughter can now choose to keep the relationship or not. She doesn't need you to keep it open. You'd be amazed how empowering it is to take control and remove a source of pain from your life.
I wish you the best and I hope something I've shared will be helpful.
Im so sad for you because I can relate to this completely. It sounds similar to my childhood.
I have no advise as such, just a sense of not being alone since reading your post
I truly feel for you. I don't believe that there was any malicious intent to put you with a woman that it sounds like she needed a mental institution, not children.
I do know, that until I was 15, my adoptive mother had no idea that she had un-diagnosed mental and emotional disorders. I was mad at first, but my adoptive mother made every effort to fix the problems once she found out about them. It was so hard and embarrassing for her, but she admitted to needing treatment and sought it out. It took me a lot of years to come to grips with the things that happened between me and my adoptive mother. Then when I was 30, I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder along with some other issues. Suddenly, things came into focus for me. So many unexplained things, over so many years, in an instant, became clear. And I grieved for my adoptive mother at that point. I suddenly knew the horror that she felt when she found out about her issues.
Our situations are different yet similar. You were unfortunate enough to get placed with an unfit set of parents. A "mother" figure with no heart, and a "father" figure that had no intestinal fortitude. Far too many have been placed in heartless conditions and there needs to be some serious changes made to the system.
I hope that one day, you can come to terms with the fact that you are not the problem. That the abuse and neglect was not your fault. That you don't deserve to feel the way that you do about yourself. I broke contact with my adoptive parents for a while. Moved across the country and struggled through life, trying to figure out why I had ever been born. I felt that my birth mother hadn't wanted me, I felt like nothing but a burden and excess baggage to my adopted family. That's a feeling that has tainted most of my adult relationships as well.
I buried rage and anger as deeply as I could, for as long as I could. Then I really began to lash out. And it was only those that I had chosen to be close to that suffered for it. In the end, I was the only one suffering for it. Everyone else wrote me off.
If you ever do anything for yourself in life, let it be the healing step of releasing that anger. Your soul is the one suffering the pain of that. Its ok to be angry and hurt. Its ok to scream into your pillow and cry about the things that you've lost in life. Its ok to give in to that grief sometimes. Its ok to feel cheated. But there comes a point in life, that holding onto those pains and hurts, becomes more and more damaging to your own mental and emotional health, which in turn starts destroying you physically.
There are so many people that I wish that I could gather up and hug and just tell them that they're not alone in their pain. That their suffering isn't out of place. That its ok to be angry for a time and at times throughout life, but that holding onto it is so much of a detriment. Not just to them, but to those that they have chosen to allow into their lives.
I'm seeking birth family as well. The unknown bothers me beyond belief. I've been told that some of my issues could possibly be hereditary, I've also been told that there is a possibility that there was drug use involved during her pregnancy. But, I saw no proof of that in the information that I have, only speculation because of her lifestyle at the time, and the use of a prescribed medication that is now known to have caused problems.
I wish that I could reach out and take your pain. That I could speak some magic word and make it go away. But then I remember, that without my struggles and processes that I've had to go through, I would have no peace now. I had to decide that allowing that anger to burn inside of me, was only killing me. I had to force myself to realize that life isn't fair to anyone and that I had to be ready to drop that unwanted burden that had been put on my shoulders, through no fault of my own. If I hadn't taken it up on my own, I shouldn't have to carry it anymore. I had to stop being an unwilling slave to other peoples' bad choices. A lot easier said than done.
I still cry myself to sleep sometimes. I still ache over not having some kind of close familial bond with someone that shares the blood that runs through my veins. I ache over not having a closer relationship with my adoptive family, as they are the only family that I actually remember. But that ache is nowhere near the inescapable black hole that it used to be.
Hurdles are a pain. There's always a fear that they'll trip you up and they sometimes do. I had to learn to pick myself up and keep running. Not for the team. Not for the coach. But for myself, to know that I can take a fall and still finish the race.
I pray that you find some kind of peace. I hope that you know, or come to find out, that you are worth having that healing. You are worth living life well. You are worth the effort that you put into yourself. And that those that don't want to see your worth and those that bring you down, aren't the ones that count. They're the hurdles that we have to have the courage to soar over and leave behind.
Your words for this post are amazing. Im a little late in this convo but just thought I would say thanks for writing this to the author. It helped me.
Despite everything she put me through, I'm a loving mother, I provided for my children & I sacrificed for them. I put them through years of Tai Kwan Do & horseback riding. I made something of myself, & I've had a solid career for 14 years. I'm putting my daughter through college.
I have learned that I just because my adoptive other called me those bad names daily, that doesn't make it true. I am not the garbage she raised me to believe that I am.
Her job was to protect nurture & provide, & she did the opposite of that. How could she do that to an innocent child? I'll let the good Lord deal with her, that's all I can do.
Thank you for all of the kindness, support & understanding you all have shown to me. Thank you for the wise words & sound advice you have given me. I hope this post helps someone else who has been through a similar situation.
It has x
And I feel what you are/were feeling at the time of this post. No matter how much we convince ourselves to forgive these people who were supposed to care for us and love us, its always just there.
I would love to have 15 minutes alone with people who treat children that way. I am so sorry it all happened.
There are no excuses and I agree setting a boundary so that they understand you hold the power of whether or not they will have contact is best.
I would also suggest that you inform anyone who they might have any contact with about exactly what they did.
Let them live it down in the here and now.
oh dear, sorry to hear this.
every thing will be all right.
keep hope in almighty.
don't be hopeless.
best wishes for you.