Sorry - more questions! The home study is what's holding us back from starting this journey!!
We had an addition on the house put on upstairs. It's not drywalled or floored yet. We plan on finishing the stairs portion and flooring the rest of the downstairs before making the call but do we need to wait until we get the room completely done? It's just my craft room / office so we haven't been in a huge rush. The kids never go up there. If we have to wait, it may be a few years....
Sorry again! There are just so many unknowns!
I think you will find this will vary from agency to agency. I know the agency we are working with for our home study would not allow any open walls in the house to pass our fire/home inspection. But I have heard stories of those with additions being approved through other places, so I think the best advice is to ask your agency what their policy is.
Best of luck!