We received our adoption package today and signed up for our Pride class. Now, it's just showing an 8 hour one day class. Is this the only requirement for straight adoption? I know I have seen more lengthy classes or are they for fostering? Just want to make sure I'm meeting all my requirements.
If you are going through county it is 8 sessions 3 hrs a piece. If you can do Saturdays they usually have 2 sessions a day with a hour lunch in between. It just depends on what locations and when. The training for adoption and foster are exactly the same in San Bernardino County as you have to have the foster liscencse to accept child and have to foster child for at least 6 months before you can finalize adoption or even begin adoption processes ( just depends we're they are in process of TPR). Then you also have to do a separate licensing class that I believe is 3 hrs. Hope this helps.
What county?
CH is right!
We did our pride recently (adoption, San Bernardino County). We had FOUR 8 hour classes, which were 2 sessions a day, lunch in between each, 4 consecutive Saturdays. Licensing was an additional class.
Can't imagine how you could cover everything in 8 hours, since our classes were basically a review of the absolute most important stuff and we were suppose to read the 2 inch info binder on our own time. lol
Even if you FFA is handling things, she should still know about the multiple classes... but I would definitely make sure. It would be terrible to come to the end of your homestudy/licensing and then find out that you are short multiple classes of pride/licensing. Good luck
So, we went to our Pride Pre Adoption class, the eight hour class, and the woman teaching it insists that for adoption we don't take the 27 hours of pride. This makes me nervous because I feel like we are getting bad information and like a previous poster said we're going to come to the end and find out, woops, you still need the classes. My FFA says the same thing. So, should I call the county again? Should I just wait, finish this part, and then find classes on my own? We're in Kern County. The only classes i think we can fit schedule wise aren't until December. My husband works 2.5 hours from the classes and we live 1.5 hours away. So, it seems unlikely we could do weekday classes three days a week.
That is strange since I heard FFA use the county's PRIDE classes. I had to do a mandatory orientation class called "taking care of business" which was about maybe 4-5 hours long that included some basic foster/adopt info and getting the initial paperwork filled out as well as TB testing and livescan. After that, I attended a mandatory licensing class which I can't honestly see how you could get licensed without all that information. You need to know what to do to your home in order to be licensed. After that class, I did my mandatory 8 sessions of PRIDE which was 32 hours of instruction. So all together there was 10 classes, but you have the option to compact the pride into 4 Saturdays.
I would definitely make a few phone calls. Even years ago when I contacted an FFA I was told about classes. It would simply suck to come to the end and then be told that you have to finish PRIDE, which takes a month on top of waiting for the next session 1 to start. Could set you back 2 full months. GOOD LUCK! ...and plz update if you find that you get through w/o the pride. ;) lol
Okay, after our first interview I'm understanding things much better. The difference will be whether we go FFA which can combine all classes into a few days or go through the county which is either two weekends in a row (3 days weekends) or four week nights for two weeks. Either way there are some classes. At least that's ironed out. At this point I think we'll be going FFA just because it's feeling more personal.