Has anyone's Bmom done an identified surrender to the foster parents? What happens after that? No other family in the picture. Does it take a very long time?
Yes, the bmom and bdad did an id'd surrender for our son. It was a month before the trial that would have terminated their rights anyway. I was impressed with how streamlined it was, they surrendered, we got to sit and talk with them w/the mediator, then the lawyers took the b-parents right into the next room where the judge was and made it official.After that it took just as long as it takes when you get TPR...that is to say however long it takes for child's worker to complete the info packet and get it to lawyer and lawyer do what they need to do, etc. Our lawyer really slowed things down that time, I thought it'd be done in 2-3 months and it was more like 6-7.(for the record for our first son there was TPR and also took that long. for our daughter there was TPR and we will be done in closer to 3 months)