I have been completely thrown for a upside down, you name it, I am feeling it! My older boys are getting ready to go to(and go back to) college...I have been sad knowing that was coming...I will miss them terribly...but, somehow, because I still had a 15 year old around, it wasn't getting to me as much as you would expect...and then, the 15 year old went to see Dad and it sounds like he may stay down there for the school year. I honestly believe it will be best for him...he does SO well there...he is just a fish out of water here. I think he *needs* his dad...but, the realization that I will suddenly be alone with dh and the babies and all of MY BOYS will be gone is just stunning! I feel like it knocked the emotional wind out of me! You would think I would be *just fine*:confused: ...I have two children a year and under to care for...but, nope...I am coming unglued over letting go of the primary caregiver role for my 15 year old son. I am just floored by this...wondering how to regain my balance!? :eek:
I have been completely thrown for a upside down, you name it, I am feeling it! My older boys are getting ready to go to(and go back to) college...I have been sad knowing that was coming...I will miss them terribly...but, somehow, because I still had a 15 year old around, it wasn't getting to me as much as you would expect...and then, the 15 year old went to see Dad and it sounds like he may stay down there for the school year. I honestly believe it will be best for him...he does SO well there...he is just a fish out of water here. I think he *needs* his dad...but, the realization that I will suddenly be alone with dh and the babies and all of MY BOYS will be gone is just stunning! I feel like it knocked the emotional wind out of me! You would think I would be *just fine*:confused: ...I have two children a year and under to care for...but, nope...I am coming unglued over letting go of the primary caregiver role for my 15 year old son. I am just floored by this...wondering how to regain my balance!? :eek:
(((hugs))) I know the feeling. I can't imagine coming as a surprise like you have had to deal with. I think you are wise and selfless to see that this would be the best thing for your son. Dosn't help the hurting, though! I'm not sure how to regain your balance, I'm figuring this out myself. Not only did my first batch move out of the house, but one moved to Europe & one over 4 hours away. What you are feeling is natural. No matter how many children you have, it's hard to let them go. :(
Thank you for understanding! It is really hard...and every single one of them is moving away...not just out of our home. The closest one will be 3 hours away. I can still see him...but, it isn't even close to the same. I guess we figure it out one day at a time!LOL! Let me know how it is going for you!! If you come across any tips or "Aha!> moments..I would love to hear those, too!
My middle son is getting married next weekend! :cheer: I have raised my boys to be really independant and responsible & I just try to appreciate how well they have turned out. Many of my friends have kids parked on their sofas playing video games. Mine are working and.or going to school, two are married, they all have nice apts to live. We just revel in the time we have with them & let them be the men they are destined to become. :love:
All this stuff really has made me appreciate the little moments with my second batch. I won't take one second for granted!